I have thought a lot about delivery. My first preference would be to let him come on his own and have a vaginal delivery. A highly medicated vaginal delivery.. I want as many drugs as my doctor can legally give me. I dont understand women who WANT to do it naturally. I have no doubt that my body could do it and I know God made us to give birth blah blah blah, but if I dont have to feel it then why would I want to!?!?!
Next, I REALLY dont want to be induced unless medically necessary. I think he will come when he is ready. I am willing to go one week past my due date..that would be January 21..after that I know I will be threatening my doctors life if she doesnt induce me. And finally, a c section, I am totally not opposed, its just not my first option. I am hoping for option 1. My ideal situation would be that my stiches are removed and he comes naturally within 2 weeks. I get all doped up and deliver him vaginally and we go on our way in the next few days... oh and all the baby weight falls off during delivery!!! I can dream, right!?
All and all I am not nervous about delivery one bit- kind of excited! I had to have the spinal tap done for my cerclage and now I have nothing to fear so long as I get that magical shot during delivery. the shot itself didnt even hurt- which is what I was most concerned about to begin with. So bring on that long needle and numb all my pain!!!
The past week hasnt been so bad- I did go home from work with low blood sugar. I felt pretty bad on Thursday. I had gotten sick the last few nights in the middle of the night and I guess it finally took a toll on me! Rest, water, and a few high calorie meals had me feeling better by the next day. My heart burn has reached an all time level of awful. I didnt think it could get any worse, but oh it has! I wake up in the middle of the night so thirsty, but know I cant drink anything because of how bad the heartburn is! It kills! It has been whats made me sick the last few nights! I feel like I am puking fire. Gross, but true! I then have to sleep sitting straight up! Not ideal, but any position that helps the heartburn and lets me get a few hours of sleep is fine with me! I would probably try standing on my head if I heard that worked!!!
Lastly- cravings! I still havent had any strong cravings like I cant live without a certain food, but I have traded in my cereal dinners for a can of broccli and cheese soup with extra cheese! I eat this for dinner most nights now and even writing about it makes me want it! Its light on my stomach and warms me up with these cold nights! I weighed in at 149.4 this morning!!! dreading seeing 150, but its inevitible! Especially with thanksgiving this week!
I am so happy to be nearing the end of my pregnancy and cannot believe our sweet Finley will be here so soon! I am so excited and have so much to be thankful for! I also cannot wait to chow down on all of the yummy thanksgiving meals this week!!! Pregnancy heaven!!!!!
31 wk 5 days..4lbs 3 ounces |
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