Thursday, November 1, 2012

4d ultrasound 29 weeks 3 days

Finley is weighing in at 3 pounds 3 ounces and he was sooo sweet on the 4d ultrasound!
He had his nose pressed all in my belly the whole time and he slept the whole appointment, but he did cooperate and we were able to get some good shots!
He has pretty little lips and the ultasound tech said he already has little fine peach fuzz on his head.. my guess is blonde like his dads!
His profile shot looks more and more like Zach and I just love it!
The morning of his 4d ultrasound, I was snuggled up against Zachs back around 5 am and Zach started laughing..he could feel Finley kicking like crazy! He settled down and slept all through our appointment though!

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