Monday, December 3, 2012

week 34

baby shower! 35 weeks!

Week 34 was so busy and kind of rough! I have been having a lot of sciatic nerve pain! Finley sits right on that nerve that causes my leg to get the sharp pains! On top of that, I have gotten my first case of swelling! I came home from work and after running around the house, my calves in both of my legs were so swollen and gross! They looked like elephant legs! After a hot bath, laying on my left side, and 2 huge glasses of water..the swelling went down! Heartburn is still worse than ever and I cannot wait until the days when I dont suffer from it anymore!!! I am still peeing on myself when I cough, laugh, sneeze and its actually gotten worse!!! Probably the worst thing so far was throwing up and peeing on myself at the same time. haha..oh well at least I was home!!!!
My appetite has really decreased this week..I get full so fast now! A few bites of something and I am DONE! So I am really focusing on eating healthy snacks every few hours to keep my blood sugar and energy levels up and make sure Finley is getting enough nutrients! I weighed 152.8 this morning. Less than a pound weight gain this week, but thats ok!
Zach and I had a wonderful weekend! We had a wedding in New Orleans on Saturday and stayed at the Ritz. I really overdid it walking around that day and by the time we got to the hotel my legs were swollen and sore! The wedding was a beautiful black tie event and although I was very pregnant, it felt really good to get out all dressed up and socialize.
We drove to Biloxi Sunday morning for our baby shower. We had a wonderful turn out and got so many wonderful gifts for Finley! I managed to squeeze my fat ass into a size 6 vera wang couture dress. My pregnancy is now complete and I give myself full permission to gain the rest of my baby weight! I got into the dress, though tight, got some pictures, but had to unzip it to open gifts!!!! Luckily everyone there understood my pain and gladly accomodated me!!

Our nursery is coming together really nicely! His crib, bedding, rug, dresser and rocking chair are in and set up. The walls and windows are still totally bare, but wont be for long and we have to order a bookshelf! I am just in love with all of his stuff and cannot wait to show him his little room! Its sweet and chic and totally peaceful! I am going to have one spoiled little man!
Work in progress!

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