Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fuck you 3rd trimester...week 29

Hello, hormones. I missed you, welcome back! NOT! You are not welcome in body, hormones!!!!!
My second trimester was AWESOME! I firgured I had a few good weeks into my third trimester before any terrible third trimester side effects kicked in. I actually started to think this pregnancy stuff was easy...thank you for the false hope second trimester..you have proved to be nothing more than a big tease!!!!!
I feel crazy. Like I may make headlines for pulling a weapon and opening fire at an elementary school type crazy! I am mad as a hornet lately.. fat people, ugly people and people with bodily functions especially piss me off. I dog cuss every single person who crosses my path.. in my mind of course. "how are you?" they ask.."would be so much better if i never had to see your fat ugly fucking unproportional face again" is what I reply in my mind.  Cleints come in to work sniffling from their stupid colds make me want to just up and quit. People who come in smacking on candy or gum or mints..I would like to cut their tongues out and start collecting them in a jar behind my desk. I then start to feel guilty for my sour and just mean outlook on people and run myself down cussing them out in my head and rolling my eyes behind their back that I then feel incerdibly sad!!!! Like hopelessly sad! My rage turns to just pathetic crocodile tears that are so pathetic and uncalled for..but oh so necessary at the same time!
I honestly feel like someone has come in and sucked all the happiness from me and is laughing hysterically while watching me suffer. I dont find it funny and I would like it to end. Shopping online used to be the cure to this in my first trimester..but now that doesnt even sound appealing. Its THAT bad.

And as for the human occupying my body..its really about that time you start looking into finding a new home because your about to be evicted! Between my rage and emotional break downs, theres YOU. You were sweet and small..until now. You are large and wiggly and your hiccups are driving me mad!!!!! My heart burn feels like I drank a gallon of gasoline and someone decided to throw a match down my throat and watch me wirthe in pain. I am nauseas again in the mornings and so fucking tired, but cannot sleep. I am up before the sun, before the roosters, before mcdonalds breakfast!!!!!

I would compare myself these days to a crack head.. up early as shit searching the house for my "fix" which may be a glass of water, a coke, the toilet, tums. I am fucking so itchy.. I get the creepy crawler sensation that, yes is normal for pregnant women...oh and crack heads! I have bags under my eyes that look like I have been in a bar fight.. this is ironic because I also feel like Ive got a massive hangover from a bar fight!
So if anyone is ever wondering what the third trimester of pregnancy really feels like...watch TLC's show addicted, find one featuring a crack head..and thats it in a nut shell. Emtionally unstable, physically beat down..bags under eyes, itchy, sleepless,at times euphoric,  nervous, depressed, looking for a "fix", and a general feeling that the world is out to get you!!!!! So heres to you third trimester, you mother fucker!!!!!!

29 weeks of baby carrying

week 29..144.8
 Week 29 has been kind of rough so far.. up and downs..feeling emotional at odd times about odd things. I am typically not a very emotional person, but third trimester pregnancy has brought on some strange emotions. I know that nothing is wrong, but it hits me out of nowhere and I feel hopelessly sad about nothing!! Its crazy!
I wrote an entire rant last week in the midst of a full on emotional breakdown..after re reading it this morning, it frightened me. Hormones are crazyyy!!!!
I am weighing in at 144.8. I dont think I gained a full pound from last week, but any weight gain is still good. I have been nauseas lately and throwing up again, my appetite has ceased and I am actually having trouble finding foods that sound good to me!
I had a major craving for black olives this weekend..and sent zach out at 9 pm to pick up a can! First real bad craving in a long time! I am gload it was olives and not a banana split!!
We have our 4d ultrasound this week- Zach and I are sooo anxious to see our little buddy!
meow from  29 week Finley the fetus and I at our halloween outing at work! 10/26

Monday, October 22, 2012

3rd and Final Trimester!

28 weeks..144.4 pounds!
I am officially in my third trimester and feeling great! I am beginning to get tired mid afternoons again, but thats ok..not much longer!
I am so excited to be in my last trimester and feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! Pregnancy has had its ups and downs and a few scares, but all in all it really hasnt been too bad! I hear the third trimester can be tough, but with the holidays taking up the majority of my final trimester, I think it will fly by and be just fine!
I have to say I am REALLY looking forward to thanksgiving this year!! I cant stop thinking about my moms squash cesserole, stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce!!! I will be helping myself to seconds and thirds this year and not feel the least bit guilty about it!
I gained 9 pounds in my first and second trimester and am starting off my third trimester at 144.4. I gained 1 pound from last week. I have read that most women gain about 11 pounds in their 3rd trimester.. that would put me at a 20 pound weight gain for the entire pregnancy and would make me very confident in getting back into pre baby shape in a few months!
Finley is doing great and kicking more throughout the night! I wake up around 2 or 3 and feel him moving all over the place! We are going to do a 4d ultrasound next wednesday morning and Zach and I are both so anxious to see him and see what he looks like!!!

Anyway, heres to my final trimester! Please go easy on me Finley! Just a few more months and you can bust out!

28 weeks pregnant going to eat Mexican food!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Last week of my 2nd trimester! 27 weeks!


Goodbye second trimester! Its been fun! No, really though. The best part of pregnancy for me so far has been weeks 24 until now. Month 6 of pregnancy flew by and with very little side effects! The heart burn sucked at times and woke me up a few nights, but it wasnt all that bad. I have finally accepted the 5 am mornings and have grown to like them. I guess it was my bodys way of saying I didnt need all the extra sleep anymore! The only problem with 5 am mornings is boredom!! I have too much energy to sleep..its too dark to go walking..too cold to get out of bed..so I watch tv. and I am sick of the infomercials!!!! NO I DO NOT NEED A NINJA food processor!!!!

I weighed 143.4 this morning! the biggest weight gain I have had so far! a pound an a half from last week! I expected this to happen a few times, but dont get used to a pound an a half every week little Finn or your mama will be one fat bitchy lady! I am still under 10 pound weight gain for the first and second trimesters! I really want to reach an even 10 pound weight gain for the 2 and that gives me room for a good 10-15 pound weight gain in the third trimester! I refuse to put on a pound more than 25 pounds. So Finley, when we hit 25..if we hit 25..you better be ready to make your entrance because this mama wont be feeding you any longer!!! :)

I go to the doctor tomorrow for the glucose test..I have heard mixed opinions on it, but I dont expect it to be bad! I have a good attitude everytime I go because I get to see Finn on the ultrasound! My doctor still checks my cervix length about every 2.5 weeks so I get to see my little guy quite often! I am anxious to see how big he has gotten and what hes up to!
I have had more contractions and abdominal pains the last week so I really hope everything is still holding up and looking good! I would just die if I had to go back on bed rest!!! But we would do whatever needed to be done to ensure Finley has the safest arrival into this world!

Anyway, goodbye second trimester! You have been good to me, but I am so ready to tackle the last trimester!!!!

Wednesday Oct 17: Update from doctor apt
I had my Glucose test yesterday and PASSED!!! I honestly was surprised because I feel like I havent gotten much of a break during this pregnancy in the luck department!!
I saw baby Finley and he is so healthy and sweet! He is weighing in at 2 pounds and 10 ounces...ONLY a pound bigger than the average 27 week old fetus... he will be a chunk like his papa! He definitely had a growth spurt these last 3 weeks..putting on a full pound! Thats definitely where the pound and a half weigth gain came from this week! Slow down, baby..we have another full trimester to fatten you up!
So all is well with mama and baby and we cannot wait for your arrival Finny!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I should be pregnant in Paris!


I am reading a book called "Bringing up Bebe," shortly into the second chapter, I realize I am pregnant in the wrong country.
Apparently people in Paris are, amongst other things; calm, enjoy nice meals with fine wine, and very much keep to themself. Dont get me wrong, I love to socialize when its planned, but for the most part, I consider myself a loner. I dont have that need to talk to friends and people or family on a daily basis and I very much enjoy being by myself. It does not come without great effort from me to keep in touch! Pregnancy in the US is just plain irritating. Everyone.. EVERYONE bugs you about being pregnant, asking questions that they really dont want the answer to..just looking for an in to throw knowledge, horror stories and ridiculous facts at you!
The occasional curiousity updates from friends and family are much appreciated and not bothersome, but its the strangers and mere acquantinces who bug the hell out of me.
I could totally see myself living in Paris and thriving. Especially during pregnancy. I am  a loner by nature..so CHECK. My passion in life really is food (although I hate to cook I love to eat and my ideal job would be a food critic) so CHECK on fine dining and wine! and double check on the calm outlook on life.

Yes, I have read every health warning out there about eating certain types of food and staying away from certain chemicals etc etc etc..it goes on and on and on. From the get go, I have been VERY laid back about it..and apparently so are the french! Raw oysters.. fine, if from a trusted source and in moderation. The problem..americans literally dont know what that word means. thats why alcohol is just a no no in america..stupid americans dont know that a glass of wine at dinner is fine.. A GLASS..which is 4oz and not 8! Heating up lunch meat? Nope, not going to do it. Stupid. French even eat unpasterized cheese! amazingly, their infants are almost 50% healthier than ours!!!
It just erks me to hear peoples repsonse when I say I am going to have sushi on the coast for dinner one night.. "it better be cooked" No, its fresh, I trust the source and a few pieces will not hurt me. I know this. Its not the sushi thats bad for you..which most of these idiots barking out orders dont know.. its the fact that if old or bad it has a higher risk of carrying certain bacteria that could potentially harm you. The chances are sooo slim and do not increase because your pregnant!!!! (side note: I do follow the rules regarding medicine because it is man made and full of chemicals to begin with.. in general I dont take medicine much anyway!)

Next, the weight gain. Fucking retarded Americans and their over consumption. Pregnancy is not a time to over indulge. You think skipping a 4 ounce glass of wine at dinner and trading it in for fast food 3 times a day followed by a dozen cookies and a slice of cheesecake really makes sense!? That over indulging in calories 3 times greater than what you and the baby need really outweigh the health risks of one glass of wine!? Really!? For me, pregnancy is about being smart and laid back about my choices. I have the occasional glass of red wine, eat a cheeseburger here and there, but I havent ventured far from my normal diet. I am not eating a cheeseburger as an excuse because I am pregnant.. I eat an occasional cheeseburger because thats what I always do! I DONT, however, wash the burger down with a large coke, fries and a chocolate shake. My point is dont eat a whole bunch of shit just because you are pregnant. Its totally ridiculous.  American doctors would recommend 25-35 pound weight gain for an average sized person..french doctors are more like 20-25 tops. period. Cut the shit, be smart, everything in moderation..GOOGLE the word!

My last point on why I should be growing this fetus in France is because they believe rather than over indulging in calories, we should be over indulging in pampering ourselves. I couldnt agree more! It helps a woman stay calm and feel beautiful. What could be a better way to bring a baby into the world!?

So, Zach I refuse to have anymore children unless we pack up and go to France. I am closed for business until you agree to my terms! I just know we would fit right in!

Monday, October 8, 2012

26 weeks! 2.5 months left! future pregnant self memo

This morning I weighed 142 pounds. Its tough to see that scale creeping up..I have gained a total of 8 pounds now and am feeling it! Although I can still squeeze into some of my pre pregnancy clothes, they are getting more and more snug and not looking so flattering anymore! I am still eating moderately healthy and getting a moderate amount of exercise.. I shoot for 2-3 times a week and an hour workout each time. I wanted to remind my future pregnant self of exactly what I did this time as far as eating and working out because I am very pleased with my body so far..

SO here are some of my tips while its fresh in case I find myself in this perdicament again!! Eat Breakfast! Fiber one cereal bar or high fiber oatmeal have been easy on my stomach and extra fiber helps with constipation from all the pregnancy hormones. Take phenegran and tums for nauseau, but stay away from any other nauseau medicines because of constipation side effects..awful! Try to remember to take prenatal vitamins..gummys are the BEST! During your first trimeseter, you will be more tired than you ever knew possible..SLEEP and try to get in a 30 minute walk 3 times a week. Making a gym class is near impossible during the first trimester so if you are too tired, try a walk and if you only make it 15 minutes, its better than nothing! I slept from 8-8 almost every single night of my first trimester and was still worn out by 2:00 every single day. It passes.
Snack in between meals..even if you are not hungry.. my two favorites have been apples with cow pal cheese and fig newtons with a scoop of peanut butter on top. I typically eat the apple with cheese mid morning..around 11 and the cookies with peanut butter around 4.
Cereal!!!! especially in the second trimester..cereal is a great way to soothe the acid reflux from all of your organs being squished and it also helps keep calories down.
Last tip-remember to even out your diet. I ate what I wanted-but only one time a day. If I wanted a cheeseburger and fries from Mcdonalds, I decided if I would have it for lunch or dinner and all my other meals would be healthy.. if I ate fast food for lunch..my dinner would be cereal. or have cereal for lunch and fast food for dinner..keep breakfast and snacks healthy!! ALWAYS! swap out lunch/dinner for your pregnancy craving meals..so far that has kept my calories right around 1700 per day and my weight gain to a very healthy 1 pound per week!

I have been lucky to not have many cravings- though I cant walk into a grocery store without buying a big juicy orange! and its a must that I eat it on the car ride home. Other than an orange the only other thing I find odd is wanting apple juice in the morning!!

Now that I have that written down, on to the baby...Finley is doing great! Kicking and moving all the time! Its crazy to watch my stomach twitch, the kicks used to startle me, but I have become so used to them I cant even remember what it feels like to not have something moving around in my stomach!

I am nearing my 7th month of pregnancy and strangers are starting to notice the belly more often. Ill be checking out and the cashier will ask when I am due..it still catches me off guard.."what? whens what due? ohhh the belly..the baby.. yeah..JANUARY!!" I went so long without showing that its weird for people to all of a sudden start noticing and commenting!

Odd side effects laterly.. a TERRIBLE bladder! Other than having to pee all the time. I also pee on myself..atleast 3 times a day. If you see me coughing, sneezing or laughing...I have most likely also peed! Gross, yes, but humurous too!
Zach and I plan to get Finleys nursery all clean and organized in the next month. I want everything done by December 1..I have a strange feeling he may be early, but we'll see!
Jose loving on his baby brother! so sweet, but I have a feeling Jose will prefer him in my stomach..these days are now limited Jose..97 more days of you having me all to yourself!

Monday, October 1, 2012

25 weeks..15 to go!?

25 week baby bump..Finally moving up, I feel like Ive been carrying SO low!

I went in to see my doctor on Wednesday September 26 because of back ache and little contractions..I wasnt too worried, but with Zach out of town, I wanted to double check that everything was ok! I have this huge fear of ending up in the ER all alone late at night! It put my mind at ease to know my body and the baby are handling this pregnancy just fine! After having so many complications early on, my doctor encourages me to come on in if something doesnt feel right because you just never know!

My appointment showed Finley at 24 weeks and 3 days and weighing in at 1 pound and 12 ounces. The ultrasound tech said hes a little big, but he looks great!! I am sure he will be a big guy like his daddy! My sweet Zach is 6'3, his dad is a little over 6'4 and my dad is the smallest male in his family and is still 6'0..his brother and dad were 6'4!

I got to see my little dude on the ultrasound, he is just sooo cute! It makes my heart melt! He was squriming around, sucking his thumb, and kicking me! I am just so obsessed and in love with him! Prettiest fetus ever made!

Today officially makes 25 weeks and I am still feeling good! I am relieved that my ultrasound went so well and that baby Finley is doing so good! I weighed in at 141 pounds today. I definitely know my body, and my prediction of a 1 pound weight gain a week has proved to be right on these last 3 weeks. I just hope to keep it at one pound and not 2 or 3 a week from here on out! I am surprised that I have only gained 7 pounds so far because my belly just feels much bigger than that!! It is so round now and I often do a double take when passing by a mirror! My reflection surprises me!

I am finally sleeping a little better and it has treemendously helped my mood swings! I guess I know what I am in for when the baby comes.. sleepless nights for me=bad bad moods!! I feel for you, Zach!

My dreams lately prove just how much this baby is on my mind and how I relate my everyday life to him subconciously already! North East Jackson has been having an issue with fleas from the weather change! I literally had to go to 3 stores to find flea bombs because everywhere was sold out! Jose had never had fleas before and the poor little guy was covered in them! Disgusting! I flea bombed the house and sprayed the yards, but have to repeat the process in two weeks. I had a dream that Finley was born and he had 2 fleas in his hair..his pretty blonde hair!!! I was trying to pick them out like I do to Jose because I was so embarassed that my baby had fleas and I didnt want anyone to know or see!! Its just crazy how much I dream and think about this little person and am constantly worrying about him..even when I sleep!

I love you little Finley! Hurry up so you can come play in my flea infested house!! :(