Tuesday, October 30, 2012

29 weeks of baby carrying

week 29..144.8
 Week 29 has been kind of rough so far.. up and downs..feeling emotional at odd times about odd things. I am typically not a very emotional person, but third trimester pregnancy has brought on some strange emotions. I know that nothing is wrong, but it hits me out of nowhere and I feel hopelessly sad about nothing!! Its crazy!
I wrote an entire rant last week in the midst of a full on emotional breakdown..after re reading it this morning, it frightened me. Hormones are crazyyy!!!!
I am weighing in at 144.8. I dont think I gained a full pound from last week, but any weight gain is still good. I have been nauseas lately and throwing up again, my appetite has ceased and I am actually having trouble finding foods that sound good to me!
I had a major craving for black olives this weekend..and sent zach out at 9 pm to pick up a can! First real bad craving in a long time! I am gload it was olives and not a banana split!!
We have our 4d ultrasound this week- Zach and I are sooo anxious to see our little buddy!
meow from  29 week Finley the fetus and I at our halloween outing at work! 10/26

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