Monday, October 22, 2012

3rd and Final Trimester!

28 weeks..144.4 pounds!
I am officially in my third trimester and feeling great! I am beginning to get tired mid afternoons again, but thats ok..not much longer!
I am so excited to be in my last trimester and feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! Pregnancy has had its ups and downs and a few scares, but all in all it really hasnt been too bad! I hear the third trimester can be tough, but with the holidays taking up the majority of my final trimester, I think it will fly by and be just fine!
I have to say I am REALLY looking forward to thanksgiving this year!! I cant stop thinking about my moms squash cesserole, stuffing, turkey and cranberry sauce!!! I will be helping myself to seconds and thirds this year and not feel the least bit guilty about it!
I gained 9 pounds in my first and second trimester and am starting off my third trimester at 144.4. I gained 1 pound from last week. I have read that most women gain about 11 pounds in their 3rd trimester.. that would put me at a 20 pound weight gain for the entire pregnancy and would make me very confident in getting back into pre baby shape in a few months!
Finley is doing great and kicking more throughout the night! I wake up around 2 or 3 and feel him moving all over the place! We are going to do a 4d ultrasound next wednesday morning and Zach and I are both so anxious to see him and see what he looks like!!!

Anyway, heres to my final trimester! Please go easy on me Finley! Just a few more months and you can bust out!

28 weeks pregnant going to eat Mexican food!

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