Tuesday, September 4, 2012

what are YOU!?

Finally 16 weeks pregnant!!!
I waited very impatiently to hit 16 weeks pregnant. I was dying to know what we were having! Zach and I both really wanted a boy.. me much more so than him. Now, I would have warmed up to the idea of having a girl, I just preferred you be a boy. My biggest fear about having a girl was raising a little me. I am high maintenance, bratty, stubborn and I always have to get my way! Always! I am the queen in my world and refuse to be demoted by another female in my own home!! (I know, I know..the second that baby girl would have been born my life would revolve around her..I just like to pretend it wouldnt!!!) While I have mellowed out a great deal with age and am not as hard to handle as I once was.. I still dont think the world needs another me. One is enough, just trust me on this one. But Zach? The world could use another Zach. He is so laid back, kind, patient and humble. and of course one hell of an athlete! My life would be very pleasant if our child was like my husband!

So back to my appointment, we went in on July 31. They agreed to do my scan at 16 weeks though they like to wait until 18-20. I just couldnt wait a day past 16 weeks. I am sorry, but I hate secrets and that  fetus was holding out on me and it wasnt fair. I was a nervous wreck all day. Our appointment was at 3:00 and the day just dragged on. I literally had a panic attack waiting in the room to have my sonogram done. Once in the room, the sonogram tech informed us that all but one of the sonograms she had done that day had been girls!! Great, I thought. The technician finally had you on the tv and I couldnt even look!! She asked if we were ready and I braced myself! She said BOY..you're having a BOY!!! I teared up with emotion and couldnt believe our luck! Zach and I high fived and headed out for a celebratory dinner! We would have our little man in a few more months! My life felt absolutely complete!

We announced your gender with the help of my trusted buddy and your big brother, Jose. He was quite the trooper being tied to 20 balloons! We also let facebook in on our little secret!

Jose helping to announce your gender!
17 week baby bump! still weigh 134.

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